@Ligue nationale de hockey

Max Domi a tiré sur Jeremy Swayman pendant la pause publicitaire

Max Domi a tiré sur Jeremy Swayman pendant la pause publicitaire



  1. BigOlTexan

    Watch it slow, Swayman leans into Domi’s path then gets shoved back realized he’s been shoved and throws himself to the ice.

  2. I would describe this as a gentle nudge by Domi and a total flop by Swaymen.

  3. bluejaysway123

    Boston used to be a tough team. Now they are just a bunch of floppers, begining with their dirty rat

  4. How many warnings and lil’ chits-chats wits refs does Domi need exactly?!

  5. IsolationAutomation

    Lol that’s some LeBron James caliber flopping right there

  6. Tweakler57

    Keep this man away from strong winds. Someone has been learning from Marchand

  7. EvenConversation9730

    I’m no Leafs apologist but this is all Swayman

  8. BluePearlGaming

    Do the practice dives at the bruins practice??? Holy fuck

  9. AffectionateCold4457

    He was not expecting someone to hit you at that point… even a nudge can knock you off balance with goalie pads on… don’t know why domi did that it just woke the goalie up if anything 

  10. RiverHawk-89

    Looks like all the Leafs fan jumped on Reddit since their victory party tonight was cancelled.

  11. Boston announcers literally calling “well, the bruins get a free shot at Samsonov after that.”

    Homie… wha?!

  12. notPatrickClaybon

    Must suck to be such a soft dude when you’re expected to be tough like your Dad

  13. The other day on Reddit, the question was posed, why so much hate for the leafs? This leafs team , because of guys like domi. Also booing the American national anthem doesn’t help.

  14. « Took a shot »

    Get outta here with that clickbait shit OP.

    « Swayman acts like a little bitch » is a much better title.

  15. Aggressive-Donuts

    Haha shit he must be training with Marchand in the off season. Sneaky little dive!

  16. Super_Maximum_9030

    It’s harrowing to think that you people watching this series must listen to the voice of whoever was trying to explain what happened in that clip.

    I’d be losing my mind.

  17. holyparasite29a

    If Marchy did that to Samsonov… Leaf fans would have called the RCMP…

  18. Cautious-Asparagus61

    Come on man. A lot of teams are starting to make hockey look like soccer with all this diving bullshit.

    Fucking clown activity

  19. HarietsDrummerBoy

    Can someone edit Nigel Owens in please.

    This is not soccer

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