
105 ans plus tard (Montréal @ Seattle)

105 ans plus tard (Montréal @ Seattle)



  1. Overall_Nuggie_876

    Reckon there were Habs fans back then *still* alive now and holding bitter grudges on the ~~Kraken~~ Metropolitans from back then.

  2. lousnanny

    I love this post. How awesome what the NHL has become.

  3. adamzep91

    Wow! With all that history Seattle hockey fans must have a ton of great memories over the last century of NHL hockey eh

  4. PaddyStacker

    Woah. I had no idea those jerseys were based on actual retro Seattle uniforms. I thought they were just trying to evoke that look.

  5. leafsbroncos18

    I’m here for the dope retro barn

  6. propagandavid

    Since the Cup wasn’t awarded in 1919, does this game finalize that series?

    It would be nice to have some closure. Let’s call it 25 Stanley Cups for the Canadiens.

  7. GaryOakRobotron

    Unless I’m misreading the picture, it looks like this one’s from 1917, when Seattle beat Montreal during the NHA days.

  8. TimTebowMLB

    I absolutely love the Kraken throwback jerseys. Such a good look

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