
Rempe sur Instagram : Folie au jardin !

Rempe sur Instagram : Folie au jardin !



  1. footballfina

    Both him and K’Andre had some SICK pictures from last night

  2. somehockeyfan

    And suddenly I realize that all of this – the hits, the fights, the line brawls – has got something to do with a girl named Tom Wilson.

  3. space_nor

    Should have used « Madness Square Garden »

  4. Sterling44

    [That was a banger](https://twitter.com/vzmercogliano/status/1775921359299694609?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet)


    [I thought I was going to have a good 5 minutes in (the penalty box) with the fellas. We were going to be cuddled up in there, getting cozy and having a good time… I had no idea that was a rule. I was like, ‘Dang it. My TOI didn’t go up that game.](https://twitter.com/vzmercogliano/status/1775926998935769539?s=46&t=xlcNl2L2q066egrbi_cQWw)


    [MacDermid was like, ‘We’re going right now,’ I’m like, ‘Yeah, I know. I think there’s a reason why we’re starting.’ … It was wicked. »](https://www.lohud.com/story/sports/nhl/rangers/2024/04/04/matt-rempe-other-rangers-describe-wicked-line-brawl-with-devils/73203644007/)

    But for some reason Colorado fans were telling me he was scared.

  5. nodarknesswillendure

    He seems happy and seems very popular with the organization, his teammates, and NYR fans. I just worry about his health moving forward if he continues like this. I don’t anticipate him fighting at the same pace next season, but still.

    Luke Gazdic did his regular hit on local radio this morning and he answered a question about whether or not he thought of long term health repercussions while he was fighting in the NHL and AHL. He pretty much said no, even though he did realize he would have long term complications with his shoulder as he had four surgeries before he was 25 (or something like that).

    I understand if Luke didn’t want to talk about head issues during this particular radio hit but like – I hope the Rangers, Rempe, etc are keeping this in mind? I just reread Boy on Ice and it’s absolutely devastating. I can’t help but worry for this kid.

  6. pickle_milf

    is it me, or is his pallor a bit ‘undead’?

  7. mikeisaphreek

    ELI5 this for me. why is everyone trying to fight this dude or why is this dude always fighting?

  8. Sweaty_Ad440

    I mean this in a good way, but literally only in the NHL could a bottom of the roster plug become one of the biggest storylines of the season lol.

    Like imagine some random 6th round rookie in the nfl that only plays special teams getting this much attention.

  9. FrostWPG

    Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t understand how these guys take pleasure in punching another player’s helmet and visor over and over with their bare hands. It’s one thing if they have no visor or their helmet’s off and you can actually connect with your punches, but these guys are doing just as much damage to their own hands as they are to the guy they’re fighting.

  10. RicoFerret44

    Change my mind: if Rempe wasnt 7 feet tall he wouldn’t be a good fighter

  11. Cute-Escape2751

    40,000 likes in an hour … I don’t think people realize how popular this guy has become in New York. Bro’s already a Rangers legend. Even people who don’t watch hockey know who he is.

  12. Rempe has come into this league with the energy of a Floridian high on bath salts. He’s gonna burn bright and burn fast

  13. FalseWeeknd

    The virtue signaling Redditors in this thread and in the sub are just insufferable.

  14. KardelSharpeyes

    Dude looks like a vampire in that first photo.

  15. musicman3321

    It’s so dumb that players are allowed to punch each other in the face repeatedly but they’re not allowed to take their helmets off.

    How many people need to fuck their hands up on a helmet or visor before they change the rule.

  16. Ed_Sykes

    The league, his club and Rempe himself need to take care of this lad. I imagine it’s incredibly easy to get wrapped up in the highs of the fanfare right now, but he needs to be mindful of his health and wellbeing.

  17. Strange-Succotash194

    Good to see he can still write.

  18. poofartgambler

    I can never see this and not think of what became of Boogaard.

  19. OriginalBookkeeper87

    Not really feeling this guy to be honest. It’s kind of dark I don’t enjoy watching a guy getting his dome blasted so much just for clout. Feels like bum fights or something

  20. RexMalo

    He’d be alright if he was able to consistently get good clean hits in. His shit house play style can only work for a few seasons. I’d like to see the fights continue but happen for any reason other than retaliation for an obvious elbow/shoulder to the head or some other cheap shot.

  21. WolfOfPort

    How long until he cant spell anymore

  22. It’s going to be a fun post for him to look back on when he retires in the next five years.

  23. AffectionateShoe2849

    Tommy Devito wishes he was Rempe.

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