@Sabres de Buffalo

« Engagés et connectés » | Conférence de presse d’introduction de l’entraîneur-chef des Sabres de Buffalo, Lindy Ruff

L’entraîneur-chef des Sabres de Buffalo, Lindy Ruff, et le directeur général Kevyn Adams se sont adressés aux médias suite à l’embauche de Lindy comme entraîneur-chef des Sabres. Le propriétaire des Sabres, Terry Pegula, a ouvert la conférence de presse avec des mots de confiance envers Lindy, ainsi que du respect envers Don Granato. Lindy Ruff et Kevyn Adams ont parlé de responsabilité, d’engagement en tant qu’organisation et équipe, de connexion entre les entraîneurs et le personnel, de ses attentes envers les joueurs, et plus encore. Abonnez-vous à la chaîne YT des Sabres de Buffalo : https://bit.ly/2G1G8eT Pour plus d’action des Sabres : https://bufsabres.co/2XAYg5m #BuffaloSabres #Sabres #NHL Pour plus d’action des Sabres : Sabres.com Suivez-nous sur Twitter : twitter.com/BuffaloSabres Aimez-nous sur Facebook : facebook.com/buffalosabres Suivez-nous sur Instagram : Instagram.com/buffalosabres Suivez-nous sur TikTok : https://bufsabres.co/TikTok


  1. Kevyn Adams didn't hire Lindy Ruff. Terry Pegula hired Ruff. Stop living in the past Pegula. What's next? Bring back Marv Levy to coach the Bills?

  2. Something's not right with Lindy – very slow , too deliberate, and weird facial expression (talking one side of his mouth and his right eye blinking)

  3. I just don;t know what to think at this point…. If the goal is making the playoffs then he can probably get the job done. If the goal is to win the Stanley Cup I think we are going to be waiting a few more years. I don’t think we have the players that are going to play with the grit needed to bring it home.

  4. Improve your roster Adams, don't blow smoke up our behinds about how these kids are now veterans and playoff ready and will be held accountable. You have needed a few key parts for a couple of years now to complement the core group of talent you have in order to be successful, they can't do it on there own, you haven't got it done yet, so how long do we have to wait?

  5. The more that things change the more that they remain the same. Call me skeptical about Kevyn Adams and this decision to hire back Lindy Ruff, but it is what it is. I have nothing but respect for Lindy Ruff but I don't think this is the right decision by Adam's. If this fails, he will be out of a job too! So, let the games begin! If Ruff brings the Sabres back to the playoffs and beyond I will gladly eat crow!

  6. Lindy Ruff was given a young team in New Jersey and ultimately failed, so what is going to be different this time around? If this hire fails, Kevyn Adams along with his gas lighting BS needs to be shown the door along with Ruff! No excuses!

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