@Golden Knights de Vegas

/les larmes de hockey ont créé ceci

Ma femme a gagné ça lors d’un match pour moi il y a environ un mois. Je ne m’intéresse pas vraiment aux maillots des Championnats du Monde, donc je n’allais pas y mettre de nom.



  1. Steve_Hunts96

    Meanwhile the people in r/hockey when they see this ⬇️


  2. Good on you dirty fucks for leaning into the controversy.

  3. Thecarsonfire_

    So can I ask a genuine, honest question? If Vegas built a great team that was cap complaint, and was eliminated in the playoffs by a team who blatantly faked injuries and were $20M over the cap, would you be angry about that? I’m genuinely trying to have a conversation here

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