@Maple Leafs de Toronto

La LNH annonce officiellement un accord de deux ans avec Amazon qui verra Prime Video devenir le foyer des matchs nationaux du lundi au Canada à partir de la saison prochaine.

La LNH annonce officiellement un accord de deux ans avec Amazon qui verra Prime Video devenir le foyer des matchs nationaux du lundi au Canada à partir de la saison prochaine.



  1. mikesully374826

    I have a feeling the Leafs will all of a sudden play like 10 Monday games.

  2. Anyone know if these games would be subject to regional blackouts?

  3. toedragrelease

    Just need a $100 prime sub to watch a Monday night game, no big deal

  4. noctisakashi

    Leafs gonna play every Saturday and Monday guaranteed now

  5. Steakholder__

    This isn’t going to make me get Amazon Prime. I’ll just pirate more.

  6. Negative_Pea_1974

    Guess I wont be watching Monday games this coming year

  7. saltface14

    I grew up on Limewire and Kazaa, you think this shit is gonna stop me?

  8. Significant-Ad-8684

    Does this mean the commentators will be from Amazon? Please don’t let them be dumb. Please don’t let them be dumb.

  9. LeafsChick

    Will this be included with Prime (or Amazon tv or whatever it’s called?)

  10. Soon we’re going to need a different sub for each day of the week

  11. SnazzyCazzy1

    Iptv is the way to go, conveniently using an amazon firestick. Never miss any game. Watch 3-4 games a day

  12. So now we have to have 3 different channels to watch the Leafs? Fuck our corporate overlords.

  13. Ugh.

    Fuck streaming services. Amazon will NOT get my money. Fuck them.

    That’s all.

  14. Is this exclusive to Prime? Will Sportnets keep broadcasts as well?

  15. Tehdougler

    I already have prime, so I guess thats one less day per week I need to sail the high seas to watch.

  16. Why would they bother? This won’t drive new viewership. We can already watch national games with our regular sports package. This will just take games off the screen for those that don’t have Prime resulting in

    a) more illegal streams and

    b) more disengagement from fans who are frustrated they can’t watch their team.

    Get the regional games on there so people can stop running into blackouts. Imagine letting your fans/customers actually consume your product. What a wild idea.

  17. luckylukiec

    What will bars do? Suddenly they’ll have to start subscribing to Prime, Apple TV, etc.

  18. bforce1313

    Wait so now I’ll need prime, tsn, and SN to watch all the games? lol man…

  19. If you are reading my comment, then you are in an area the games will be blacked out 😂

  20. strike-when-ready

    I have Amazon prime, and I will be exclusively pirating these bull shit games

  21. Fans: just give us a streaming service to watch ALL the games and we’ll pay for it

    NHL: We heard you and we added an additional streaming service to carry *some* of the games.^(btw you still need the old ones)

  22. thedrunkentendy

    Games going to streaming services is a huge fucking L.

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