@Canadiens de Montréal

Il y a 14 ans, Jaroslav Halak a arrêté 53 des 54 tirs alors que le Tricolore remportait le sixième match par la marque de 4-1. Cela a forcé un match 7 contre les Capitals, vainqueurs du trophée du Président. Les Canadiens gagneraient ce match et avanceraient.

Article/Crédit photo : https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.sportsnet.ca/hockey/nhl/habs-beat-caps/%3fsn-amp



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  3. My aunt was at that game with my mom! She told me the crowd was wild after each of Halak save when they realise he was going to steal that game! Her greatest memory at the Bell Centre.

  4. tastesoff74

    That was a great run! We’ve had better goalies, but that run was one of the finest stretch of goaltending I’ve seen.

  5. AcanthocephalaGreen5

    Underrated part of that game, Lapierre’s rocket to make it 3-0. At that point, I thought it was game over for Washington; we were going seven.

  6. wolceniscool

    Those 2 series were the wildest we’ve ever been while Going out for playoff hockey, couldn’t get into it as much in 2021 even if it was a SCF because the world was on fire.

  7. MajorRico155

    54 SOG is comical. I didnt watch the game, but sounds like he was lit the fuck up

  8. Sharky_Caron

    Greatest game I’ve watched at the Bell Centre. The party outside after the game lasted hours. We knew we were winning game #7 in Washington.

  9. Aside from the cup finals, this was my favorite playoff run. Halak and Cammalleri were such a force

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