@Hurricanes de la Caroline


L’avant-bras d’Orlov effleure Lee et Lee meurt.



  1. blinker1eighty2

    Good lord what a massive baby. Guy needs a diaper change

  2. Additional_Ratio_743

    but I thought the canes were the ones who dive all the time

  3. CrashEMT911

    Every time he touches the puck Tuesday, I want all of PNC to chant « Floppy! »

  4. Cark_Klent

    I don’t want to hear that the Canes are divers ever again.

  5. You warned me and I should’ve listened. I’m gonna throw up

    How can one human being do something so violent to another?!

  6. dragons_fire77

    Geez, NSFW? Try NSFL. I’m shocked he still has a chin remaining after such a violent act.

  7. lil_geesey

    Ridiculous this got called and then guentz gets put in the box for getting jumped

  8. beanbags-bean75

    My favorite part is the way Lee throws his head back as he starts to fall and screams, “OHHHHHHH THE HUMANITYYYYYYYYYYY” It’s like watching a middle school play.

  9. socialaxolotl

    But hold on, I thought the canes were the ones that dive

  10. The fact that they didn’t get a power play out of this is ridiculous

  11. Is he okay now? I mean clearly he is dead from that violent hit. Damn. /s

  12. cock-block-o-clock

    Hahaha, I was glad the refs let that all go. I took me forever to realize what started the fight with Orlov, I thought he did give him an elbow but it still didn’t seem bad enough to fight. But yeah I from that angle I can’t see any actual contact.

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