@Red Wings de Détroit

Serait-ce plus drôle ou plus vindicatif si les Wings gagnaient à la loterie cette année ?

Surtout parce qu’ils dépasseraient Chicago.



  1. Dinkin---Flicka

    They wouldn’t leapfrog Chicago… The highest they can move to is #5 because of the changes to the lottery rules.

  2. John-Balaya

    If they somehow got 5th overall then I’d bet Steve would pick Helenius. He doesn’t seem to care about how boards line up and picks his types.

  3. Problemcharlie

    It would be both funny and a bit annoying because the highest the Wings can go is 5th overall

  4. Ecstatic-Arachnid-91

    It would be a funny yet sad thing for me. We should have got it last year. Or at least a top 3 pick. And as a side note, it’s going to take me a minute to see Utah as a team on the lists

  5. poutinetrough

    idk if it’s possible, I think highest we can v
    get is 5th? but if we somehow pick 6th I’m gonna throw my work laptop out of my window lol

  6. CornholioRex

    Blackhawks shouldn’t have a chance after winning the lotteries in the past, complete bs that teams who’ve won them can win them again

  7. Desperate_Trifle_202

    Chicago is gonna get 2 balls in the top 3…just sayin’

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