@Bruins de Boston

Scrum des Bruins de Boston contre les Maple Leafs, l’arbitre dit à McAvoy et Pastrnak de se faire foutre (double alimentation)

Flux de Boston, puis Sportsnet. Tous les droits reviennent à la LNH. Je ne possède pas la musique et les images utilisées dans cette vidéo. À des fins de divertissement uniquement.


  1. Boston should have 2 men in the box and make it a 5 on 3 for leafs the 2 boston players starting beating thr leaf players for absolutely no reason just a dirty team boston is but th3 reffs were fantastic this game and I enjoyed watching it while bowling still lostbmoney betting on boston lmao

  2. Terrible I had to watch this game muted. I just can't listen to Jack Edwards anymore. It has been a long season and now post season.

  3. Комментатор после инсульта. Очень большая вероятность повторения ситуации. Эмоции зашкаливают . Я подумала, что он навесиле -это первый признак ОНМК или ДНМК. 🙊

  4. The Bruins have had problems with Steve Kozari for years, especially when Bruce Cassidy was the coach. Kozari must still be upset the B's took a Cup away from his Canucks in 2011.

  5. So satisfying watching these highlights of Knies jarring with Pasta knowing what's in Matty Nice's future. #23 is making a name for himself. Two of the hardest working Leafs, Knies/Mccabe, shined in this one and of course, Woll.

  6. Knies would absolutely destroy Pasta and literally everyone on the Bruins team if he wanted too. Lmao. How tf can anyone listen to Edwards dude is literally already dead tf.

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