@Maple Leafs de Toronto

[ScoutingTheRefs] CONFIRMÉ : L’arbitre Wes McCauley n’officiera PAS le match 7 de demain entre les Maple Leafs de Toronto et les Bruins de Boston. Il est en attente à Nashville ce soir. @NHLBruins @MapleLeafs

[ScoutingTheRefs] CONFIRMÉ : L’arbitre Wes McCauley n’officiera PAS le match 7 de demain entre les Maple Leafs de Toronto et les Bruins de Boston. Il est en attente à Nashville ce soir. @NHLBruins @MapleLeafs



  1. z_dogwatch

    Ok. Now if they can keep Eric Furlatt out of the building we might stand a chance.

  2. Commander-Fox-Q-

    Honest question. Is this the first game 7 we’ve played in the matthews era that doesn’t include him? Feels like it’s every year.

  3. AdamAAndrews

    This is amazing news. I’ve been dreading the update that he would be reffing game 7 like usual

  4. Just like to say that the fact that ScoutingTheRefs deemed this significant enough to make this statement says a lot.

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