@Kings de Los Angeles

LA Kings – Concept d’uniforme alternatif v2

LA Kings – Concept d’uniforme alternatif v2



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  2. Sad-Background-7111

    Nope. So far from what they’re going to roll out next month for next season.

  3. AdProfessional5251

    I think we should go back to the Burger King mascot. After Kopi retires, maybe we can become bad guys and put King Joffrey’s face on our jersey.

  4. black296tuuk

    This is a strong look, just a note, the Lion should have a stick and sunglasses on like the original 1998 logo

  5. Rafftermath

    I would rock the hell outta that jersey. Nice work!

  6. DukeSpaghetti

    This is all I’ve wanted for years. It’s beautiful

  7. AnnenbergTrojan

    I love this fusion style. The logo of the Forum era, the color scheme of the Silver and Black era, and the jersey numbers of the Cup Era.

  8. JustTheBeerLight

    This looks dope. I replied to you yesterday and mentioned that the black & silver with vintage crown is something I’ve wanted for years. You delivered.


    small request: shrink the crown a little bit and ditch the LA on the shoulder. I like minimalism.

  9. It’s interesting how so many concepts that get made us the baseball diamond « LA » made for the Stadium Series.

  10. Cagekicker52

    This is excellent. I would say no LA on the shoulders though. Or would like to see a version without. Overall, looks awesome!

    Edit: black helmet though.

  11. Deanmarrrrrr

    Change the colors to the original Forum Blue and Gold and you have a winner.

  12. i don’t know how popular the 2000s crown is with the rest of the fan base but i would love for it to come
    back in some way

  13. Crash30458

    Not bad would like to see a concept of what the Reign wore the other night with the dragon would look like with the current crown

  14. Oh boy…you put in some work. If not THE uniform, I could see this as a reverse retro type. 👏

  15. supadupanerd

    Lions on the shoulders with the Chevron logo front and center because it’s a classic…. Maybe put an LA where the lion on the leg is

  16. MaAreYouOnUppers

    Someone pitched this idea and I shot it down but now that it’s actually in front of my face.. Hmm, I honestly like it. Dang.

  17. MayonnaiseMouth

    This is what I’ve been wanting to see for a good while now. Hell yeah, fuck yeah.

  18. ElJefeGoldblum

    This is sick! Black helmet/gloves might look pretty sweet with this as well. Nice work 🤘

  19. Finger-of-Shame

    This is better, but I hope they don’t put silvery/glittery look as the bottom stripes.

    I got one of the alt jerseys from a few years ago as a gift. When I wear it I feel like a showgirl or something with that shiny glittery looking stripes.

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