@Canadiens de Montréal

Canadiens de Montréal – Concept d’uniforme alternatif

Canadiens de Montréal – Concept d’uniforme alternatif



  1. I posted some jersey concepts last year. This was the design that was the most well received. I’ve wanted to make a full kit for a while now. Hope you enjoy it!

  2. TripleWDot

    Damn. Super clean, you nailed it. Love the use of the pride tape, too!

  3. TheIdentifySpell

    I’d like to see the tartan in an actual jersey before passing judgement, but everything else is sick. I love this concept.

  4. inolyzushi

    Can we all email this concept to the team until it becomes their official alternate jersey

  5. Baronleduc

    Oh my!

    That’s actually an awesome jersey. I’d buy it.

    PS: by the way, do we know if there is another reverse retro jerseys on the horizon?

  6. Looks great, if this was posted on any other hab social media I know exactly what the comments would be like…

  7. It’s a shame official attempts aren’t anywhere near as nice as these concepts

  8. nope thats not gonna work, its too original. Best they can do is a color swap

  9. It has a similar vibe to the vintage one the Laval Rocket used this season. Both beautiful.

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