@Capitals de Washington

Concepts du logo des capitales

Je me suis bien amusé avec ces derniers temps. Je les appelle marques primaires et secondaires, mais elles pourraient toutes deux servir de crête principale ou d’écusson d’épaule. Ramener le Screaming Eagle d’une manière ou d’une autre semble être une évidence. Il y a des clins d’œil subtils à l’architecture néoclassique de DC, ainsi qu’aux trois étoiles. Le « W » rappelle des éléments du Weagle (bouts d’ailes) tout en rendant hommage à la marque secondaire actuelle et à la marque de la Classique d’hiver 2015 (« W » blanc, « CAPITALS » au centre).



  1. These are neat but feel a little simplistic imo. Could see the eagle as a basis for a secondary crest, but there’s no replacing the iconic text logo with the hockey stick T for the main crest.

    I’ve not been a fan of any of the W logos I’ve seen. I wonder how they would look with the Capitol Building silhouette from the Weagle, I much prefer that to the Washington Monument. Either in the negative space at the bottom like the Weagle, or replacing the monument at the top. The Weagle itself is so good though, I don’t want to fix what isn’t broken.

  2. UnderCoverDoughnuts

    I really love the secondary you came up with. Absolutely perfect, imo.

    The primary doesn’t wow me, but I feel like anything with an eagle on it will be compared to the Screaming Eagle logo, even if only subconsciously.

  3. Decent-Phone-5512

    Hm. How about “No” or “Nnnnnoooooooooooo”

  4. Secondary logo is awesome and is an upgrade over our other W logo. Primary is solid, but definitely not as good as the Weagle.

  5. No_Maintenance_9608

    To me they kind of have a 40’s feel to them. If the Caps were formed just after the war.

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