@Sabres de Buffalo

Votre récapitulatif hebdomadaire des /r/sabres pour la semaine du 2 mai au 8 mai 2024

**Jeudi 2 mai – mercredi 8 mai 2024** ###Top vidéos | note | commentaires | titre et lien | |–|–|–| | 92 | [12 comments](/r/sabres/comments/1cjdyd9/levis_60_saves_in_last_nights_amerks_2ot_loss/) | `[Highlights]` [Levi’s 60 saves in last night’s Amerks 2OT loss](https://twitter.com/AJFeldmanTV/status/1786356781326741683)| | 64 | [5 comments](/r/sabres/comments/1ciw2e0/rosén_penalty_shot_to_tie_it_up/) | `[Highlights]` [Rosén penalty shot to tie it up](https://v.redd.it/2jqao8d824yc1)| | 52 | [6 comments](/r/sabres/comments/1ciuuhv/no_one_the_sabres_in_1988/) | [No one: The Sabres in 1988:](https://v.redd.it/yabvnpm9r3yc1)|   ###Messages restants | score | commentaires | titre et lien | |–|–|–| | 281 | [8 comments](/r/sabres/comments/1cl865e/absolute_savagery/) | `[Fuck the Leafs]` [Absolute savagery.](https://i.redd.it/hlucrhk3vpyc1.jpeg)| | 275 | [67 comments](/r/sabres/comments/1cki0zk/theres_no_wind_in_toronto_but_the_leafs_still_blow/) | `[Fuck the Leafs]« Il n’y a pas de vent à Toronto, mais les Leafs soufflent toujours | | 194 | [58 comments](/r/sabres/comments/1cki15a/fuck_the_leafs/) | `[Fuck the Leafs]’ J’emmerde les Leafs | | 191 | [28 comments](/r/sabres/comments/1ckh57w/amerks_win_game_4_in_ot/) | Les Amerks remportent le match 4 en OT !!!!!| | 176 | [11 comments](/r/sabres/comments/1ckidsp/yay/) | [Yay ](https://i.redd.it/n8l8f4925jyc1.jpeg)| | 174 | [19 comments](/r/sabres/comments/1ckqko1/visit_scenic_toronto_where_the_leafs_blow/) | `[Fuck the Leafs]` [Visit scenic Toronto, where the Leafs blow year-round](https://i.redd.it/12j7wfiaulyc1.jpeg)| | 172 | [15 comments](/r/sabres/comments/1cki1eh/leafs_lose_in_game_7_ot_upvote_party/) | Les Leafs perdent lors du Game 7 OT Upvote Party !| | 157 | [22 comments](/r/sabres/comments/1cmbvoj/i_did_not_expect_to_see_this_blurb_in_the/) | `[It’s… something.]` [I did not expect to see this blurb in the Pulitzer Prize finalists](https://i.redd.it/juzke8vaa0zc1.jpeg)| | 157 | [68 comments](/r/sabres/comments/1cmagv5/heading_into_the_lottery_with_a_5050_chance_of/) | [Heading into the lottery with a 50/50 chance of winning ](https://i.redd.it/w0q3dv1nxzyc1.jpeg)| | 149 | [21 comments](/r/sabres/comments/1cl55pn/not_sabres_owned_but_jokes_its_a_good_thing/) | « Pas lié aux Sabres, mais des blagues » C’est une bonne chose que le Keybank Centre ait un nouveau toit cet été… |  


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  1. subredditsummarybot

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